Cobra Kai is a highly entertaining and nostalgic show that brings back the iconic Karate Kid franchise in a fresh and compelling way. The show follows the story of the original Karate Kid villain, Johnny Lawrence, who reopens the Cobra Kai dojo and ends up mentoring a new generation of karate students. The show is set 34 years after the events of the original Karate Kid movie, and it’s great to see the original cast return, including Ralph Macchio and William Zabka.
One of the standout features of Cobra Kai is the strong performances from the cast. Zabka, in particular, delivers a nuanced portrayal of Johnny, who has grown older but is still struggling with the demons of his past. Macchio also gives a solid performance as Daniel LaRusso, who is now a successful car dealership owner, but still haunted by his rivalry with Johnny. The new cast of young actors is also great, with Xolo Maridueña and Jacob Bertrand giving standout performances as Miguel and Hawk, respectively.
The show also does an excellent job of capturing the nostalgia of the original Karate Kid franchise, while also introducing new elements and modernizing the story. The show features several references to the original movies, including iconic scenes and quotes, which will delight fans of the original franchise. Additionally, the show explores new themes and ideas, such as the impact of social media and the dangers of toxic masculinity, which adds depth and relevance to the story.
Another strong aspect of Cobra Kai is the fight choreography, which is top-notch. The show features several intense and well-choreographed fight scenes that are both thrilling and satisfying to watch. The show also does an excellent job of exploring the different styles of karate and how they are used in combat, which adds an extra layer of realism and excitement to the show.
In conclusion, Cobra Kai is a fantastic show that is a must-watch for fans of the Karate Kid franchise and action-drama series. The show features a great cast, an engaging story, and excellent fight choreography. The show also does an excellent job of capturing the nostalgia of the original Karate Kid franchise, while also introducing new elements and modernizing the story. Overall, Cobra Kai is a well-crafted and highly entertaining show that is definitely worth a watch.